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Diemo Cortex: Rule of the Dynasty

Writer: M. S. ArthadianM. S. Arthadian

As the Pillars have expanded since the reset, there have been threats that have, come and gone, and still, the Pillars stand! However, a threat has emerged in their backyard and is rumored to be acquiring power among the Command Colonies. This threat is known as the Zellic Dynasty and is filled with a sect of Newgonians that believe themselves to be superior to all other intelligent lifeforms.

That sect is known as the Diemo Cortex and has been gaining ground in their Capital Environment of Vo'crayo.

Zellic Ideals:

Formed by followers of Monte Zellic, this religious order believes in the superior minds of Newgonians. With the CORE Reset wiping memories away, Newgonians seemed to have an easier time with their fragmentation than most other species.

One of those able to wade through their fragmentation was Monte Zellic, who is a religious fanatic believing he knows the will of the All-Father. From his fanaticism, Zellic sees his people as 'not living to their fullest potential'. Being a Newgonian means achieving intellectual superiority and that potential lives within the cerebral cortex.

The closest thing to proving that prowess has always been the Quantum Force. However, Zellic believes that to provide such technology to the lower lifeforms, or the sub-pure as he calls them, is to wound the very nature of Newgonians, to begin with.

What other reason would Cerebral gift his creation the ability to probe the minds of sub-pure to access greater knowledge and understanding than all other species?

Zellic feels the pure, or translated in Votanian, diemo, are the ones that follow a path to the greatest mind a Newgonian can achieve!

Diemo Cortex:

From the rise of the dynasty, in Cycle 112 ACR, religious temples have been assembled to host the pure and reap knowledge from the sub-pure. This temple is known as the Cerebral Cortexium to pay tribute to the All-Father while also using it as a front to practice their vile traditions. One of those traditions is referred to as the Purification Process.

Purification Process:

Discovered by Ambassadors Atten & Tril in Cycle 120 ACR, the decrypted data retrieved from Cerebral Cortexium 1 uncovered genome-alteration experiments on sub-pure to make them pure. Changing Tonist Prime into Newgonians.

Image of Cerebral Cortexium 1

To be any creature, other than a Newgonian, approaching this towering sight is a terrifying experience, to say the least. Rumors have emerged that members of Diemo Cortex have expanded their knowledge of Probing beyond what their predecessors accomplished.

This has not only caused great fear towards Vo'crayo, but it has spurred discrimination towards Newgonians who do not believe in the Diemo Cortex & the Zellic Dynasty's rule.

Some Senators in the Sodorian Alliance even fear that the Gatekeepers of the Quantum Forces have become compromised and will eventually sabotage the celestial gates once the dynasty gets word of their pending exile.

Cortexian Hierarchy:

Inside the Diemo Cortex, there is a hierarchical structure set up to determine levels of purity. Each position within the organization is served for life and takes over a Cortexian Newgonian's identity.


Known as those that serve the Diemo Cortex and their Zellic Dynasty. There are exactly 2,000 Servants that are assigned to a single Cortexium. Servants are tasked to obey their superiors and most do in hopes of becoming a Prober.


A Prober torturing the mind of a sub-pure

Known as the information gatherers and leaders of the Servants. There are exactly 10 Probers that are assigned to a single Cortexium. Probers receive

a number based on their

Cortexium and are tethered into an all-encompassing neural network.


Known as the masterminds within a tethered network and work to serve Monte Zellic. There is only 1 Tetherer assigned to a single Cortexium. Tetherers receive a number based on their Cortexium and are directly tethered to Monte Zellic.

Entries of the Diemo Cortex:

Throughout the Arthadian Anthologies Podcast, there have been several instances where the Diemo Cortex & Zellic Dynasty have been the main subject. The following Entries will take you on a journey through these stories & lore:

Mind Tethers:

Amongst those within Diemo Cortex, it is rumored that how they've expanded their capabilities through what is referred to as 'Mind Tethers'. These can only be used by those with the knowledge to probe.

From these Mind Tethers, a Newgonian or anyone who can probe has access to greater heights within neurological formations.

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